White Spots on Skin

There are many skin conditions which causes the white spots on skin. Normally majority of the people get these white spots on any on one are more parts of the their skin but they do not know about the these spots. These spots affecting millions of population from any races and both sexes. Actually this post is a brief discussion about the skin conditions which causes the white patches on skin.


Vitiligo is and pigmentation disorder in which white spots appear on the skin. It is not contagious condition. But people with vitiligo has to suffer emotional distress to the their skin condition.

Symptoms: Sunburn and the white spots on skin are the common symptoms of vitiligo. However an special device name wood lamp are used by the dermatologist to diagnose vitiligo.

Vitiligo Causes: The causes of the vitiligo are not fully know. Auto-immunity is the most prominent causes of the vitiligo. Second thing is Inheritance, it have also a minor contribution in vitiligo skin condition.

Nevus Depigmentosus

Nevus depigmentosus can be easily differentiated from vitiligo. Although age factor in not much involvement in the Nevu depigmentosus but in about in 19% of the cases these are noted at birth. Their size may however grow in proportion to growth of the body. The distribution is also fairly stable and is nonprogressive hypopigmented patches.

Symptoms: These are localized white spots on skin which may effect any area of the body, but they are quite stable lesions.

Causes: They result from abnormalities in the function of melanocytes which produce little pigment thereby resulting in characteristic patches.

Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis

It is an genetic disorder and it is due to the disturbance in the pigmentation process of the skin. The depigmentation of guttate hypomelanosis is also important because it may be mistaken for other cause of abnormal pigmentation like vitiligo.

Idiopathic guttate hupomelnosis is also a reason behind the white spots on the skin. Normally it occurs when the number of the melanocytes cells are reduced resulting in the reducing of the thickness of the skin. Biopsies of the affected skin have shown skin cells with no melanin.

These spots observed more obviously after tanning when the surrounding skin seem darken. These are tiny (2-5 mm), rounded and flat spots of lighter color in the skin which are sometimes referred to as white patches. It usually affects the skin which is prolong exposed to the sun or to the tanning bed. It normally occur on the parts like shins and the forearms, but other parts of the body may also be affected like the chest, shoulders and the face.

Such spots are generally smooth but mildly scaly lesions may also be seen in some cases.

Guttate hypomelanosis is not more dangerous, not considered to be a precancerous disease and harmless depigmentation.

Treatment: Normally it is assumed that there is no cure for this form of white spots or treatment is usually difficult and may sometimes leave a residue, which is worse than the original problem. It is however a benign condition and treatment may only be required for cosmetic and emotional reasons. Protection from the sun is however important because exposure to sun light has been incriminated as a causative factor.

  • It is generally enough to cover up the lesions with a camouflage make-up, the following may also be tried.
  • Topical Steroids
  • Surgical and semi-surgical correction

Symptoms: It is more common in men than in women, and it generally affects those who have already celebrated their 40th birthday. People with a fair skin are more common victims but those with a darker skin are not immune.