Where to Find help for Collecting Child Support

Getting child support from your child’s other parent is Hades on Earth. Your mind is exhausted with all of the thoughts, most likely ill thoughts, parading around day and night. It’s not fair that you should have to take on all the financial responsibility for yourself when the child clearly has another parent just as financially responsible as you are. Also, where to find help for collecting child support seems impossible, but it’s not.

Child Support Enforcement

Each county in the U.S should have a child support enforcement agency that you can call, e-mail, write to, or visit in person. You will have a worker that will be familiar with you and your case based upon all information you provide. The child support enforcement agency’s position in helping you to collect child support is to locate the absent parent, represent you in child support court, and to enforce the judgment of the absent parent to start paying you child support.

Department of Social Services

The local D.S.S can be a great place to begin securing help for collecting child support. At their office, you will be given forms to fill out in the waiting area. The questions on the forms are very personal and you must answer them honestly. You will be assigned a caseworker that will go over all of the necessary information with you and help to get you a court order and a child support enforcement worker. Remember to come prepared when going to D.S.S for help. Gather all the information and documentations you will need before your appointment like birth certificates, photo I.D, DNA testing results, pay stubs, bank statements, and anything else relevant to your case.

Support Kids

Support kids is a foundation of hardworking professionals that can help you to collect child support. They will need about the same type of personal information as your local D.S.S would need, and you can access their help by calling 1-800-691-KIDS, or apply directly online for assistance by visiting their website at http://www.supportkids.com/. This agency will have to have certain fees for their services. Most likely, the fees will be taken out of each child support payment they help you to receive. It may sound terrible that you are in such a great need for help and someone, who should be supportive at a time like this, would want to take money from you once you finally get it. Well, think of it like this; the money they are asking for is to help cover the cost of locating the absent parent for you, which can be a nearly impossible challenge, and all of the other financial needs associated in the process like salaries. You may have to share a percentage of the money with them, but it’s better to be receiving a payment than none at all.

Collect Child Support

This is an agency very similar to Support Kids, and operates in much the same way. On their website they claim to be 60% successful at collecting you the back child support owed as well as the current child support you are owed. They do have some restrictions in certain states. The states are: Connecticut, Colorado, West Virginia, Illinois, New York City and Alabama. The laws in these specific states do not allow their services to be employed. There are fees involved and the information pertaining to the fees can be found at their website. Visit http://www.collectchildsupport,com/.

If you are in need of knowing where to find help for collecting child support, give these places a fair try. Even if you are just needing information or have some questions about their services, don’t hesitate to call them, write them, e-mail them, or see them in person. Your child/children deserve to be cared for financially by both parents, and you deserve a lot of credit and a little help getting the money you need.


The Alexander Co. Department of Social Services of Taylorsville NC



The Caldwell Co. Child Support Enforcement Agency in Lenoir NC