The world has been contaminated by many things: crime, corruption, apathy, epidemics, pandemics and pollution. The decline of civilization hasn’t been a pretty sight. Theodore Roosevelt reached out to unborn generations. He was responsible for establishing five national parks approximately one hundred years ago. He wanted those designated areas to remain pristine. Sadly, over the course of time, the rest of the nation suffered. Apathy and neglect took their toll on the environment. As well as corporate greed and laziness.
The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 was first passed by Congress that same year. I will borrow a few words from “The PPA establishes the following national policy: …that pollution should be prevented or reduced at the source whenever feasible; pollution that cannot be prevented should be recycled in an environmentally safe manner, whenever feasible; pollution that cannot be prevented or recycled should be treated in an environmentally safe manner whenever feasible; and that disposal or other release into the environment should be employed only as a last resort and should be conducted in an environmentally safe manner.”
We have been bombarded on a daily basis. This is a very important attack on our previous lifestyles. To the right of my diet soda can’s 12 fluid ounces (355 mL) information is a terse reminder. PLEASE RECYCLE. On the bottom of the carton that contained our bottled water ~ it clearly states “Corrugated Recycles”. If someone inhales those products and quickly tosses those containers, he/she probably wouldn’t even notice the subtle reminders. But modern people do not need to be reminded of facts that are so obvious. We have abused our environment. Some of our ancestors also abused it as well. Certain ethnic groups were much more respectful of the land and water. It was sacred to them. We have to try and undo as much of the damage as possible.
I love’s motto: Content. Credibility. Community. It belongs to the encyclopedia of earth. I firmly believe that this planet is our precious content. We, as a global community, must become 100% responsible for this planet’s maintenance. If we continue neglecting our planet, we will surely cause irreparable damage. Parts of our planet could already be well beyond repair.
According to the ecological/legal experts at, this special act has various sections. Section 6602(b) deals primarily with reducing and recycling. 6603(5) is an important section. It deals with the hazardous materials causing the pollution and contamination. Section 6604 allowed for a special requirement. The Environmental Protection Agency had to establish an Office of Pollution Prevention. The EPA encouraged source reduction practices in other federal organizations. 6604(b) deals with data. A panel of important people was established to improve data collecting techniques and also the manner in which this environmental information is disseminated.
Section 6605 deals with money. As in grants. spells out the details. A grant program entitled Pollution Prevention Incentive for States (PPIS), allowed individual states to develop their own pollution prevention programs. It is easier for states to do so because they are closer to the environmental action taking place within their own regions. The PPIS doled out approximately twenty million dollars over a period of three years to various states. Section 6606 provided for the establishment of a clearinghouse and Section 6607 forced owners and operators of industrial facilities to create annual reports regarding the exact toxicity they were generating. Section 6607(c) deals with enforcement. Including civil, criminal and administrative penalties for non-compliance. 6608(a) involves the Environmental Protection Agency. They must file a report every two years.
It hasn’t even been two decades since this act was implemented. Don’t be too harsh with your judgments. I feel that this act and this planet are still great
works in progress. It will be very interesting to look into the future, on the 100th anniversary of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 in order to see the tremendously positive outcome that no doubt will have occurred.