What Details you need from the other Driver in the Case of an Auto Accident

Auto accidents are one thing that most people hope to avoid ever being involved in. Not only are accidents scary, people can get hurt, plus they can end up costing everyone involved a lot of money. One of the worst things about being involved in an auto accident is finding out the other driver is uninsured. In this case, you are faced with possible injuries, car repairs and possibly having to go to court to get some sort of compensation for the hassle. 

There are some key things you must do immediately after the accident. The first is to make sure everyone is alright and if not, call 911. The next thing is to move to safety and out of the way of oncoming traffic. If your vehicle cannot be moved, then leave it and have your insurance call a tow truck later.

The next thing is to gather information from the driver(s) of the other vehicles. 



Phone number

Email address

Make, model and year of their car

License plate number

Insurance carrier

Insurance policy number

The reason you want to get all of this information is so you can file a claim with your insurance company. It also makes filling out a police report (if necessary) easier. There are many reasons for gathering information from the other driver(s). If the other driver does not have insurance, then you may have to go to court to settle damages. This is why it is very important to call the police and your insurance agent immediately after the accident. Be careful not to engage in conversation with the other driver because it is too easy to have your words used against you later. For example, saying “I’m so sorry this happened” can be misconstrued as admission of fault. 


Of course, you want to make sure to get plenty of photographs of the accident scene as well. Photos of the vehicle damages, positioning of the vehicles and also involved parties can all make the reporting and claims process go more smoothly. Avoid admitting fault in an fashion, let your pictures do the talking for you. Please note that the pictures should be taken before the vehicles are moved (if they can be moved) to a safer spot. You can carry a disposable camera in your car, or simply use your cell phone camera (most cell phones today come with pretty decent cameras).


If it is more than a scratched bumper, then you need to call the police. Be as clear and concise in your statement as you can. Get the officer’s information like name, badge number/ID number, phone number and police report number. Also be sure to get a copy of the police report.  

Auto accidents are certainly no laughing matter and neither is what has to be done immediately after one. The safety of all people involved is concern number one. Call 911 if necessary, and then the police and your insurance company. Be sure and take numerous photos of the accident scene (vehicles, damages, people involved and the accident location) and get the other driver’s information.