Ways to Save on your Car Insurance

If each month you have to pay a lot for your car insurance, it may be time to negotiate a better insurance price from your insurance company or change your insurance provider. Nowadays, many car insurance providers offer various discounts to their customers.

If you plan to buy a new car or you think you are paying too much for your car, you may try some of following tips to negotiate a lower car insurance rate:

1) Avoid being involved in any accident.

The fewer accidents are recorded to your file, the lower car insurance price you can get. There are different kinds of accidents associated to car insurance. For example, when you park your car, if possible, you’d better park it in a secure place. Normally, indoor parking is more secure than the outdoor parking along the street. When you park your car indoor, it reduces the risk of getting your car scratched by others’.


2) Take advantage of low mileage discounts.

Some companies offer discounts to car owners who drive a lower than average number of miles a year. Therefore, if you don’t use your car for going to work each day and you only use your car on weekends, why don’t you negotiate with your insurance provider for a low mileage discounts?

3) Keep a stable relationship.

Some insurance companies offer great discount to married car owners.  For example, if you have been married or stay in a common-law relationship for more than three years, you may pay $20 less each month for your car insurance. The logic of those insurance companies is: when you can stay in a stable mutual relationship long time, it might prove you are a responsible person and you won’t be willing to take some risk on the road while you are driving a car.

4) Buy your home and car insurance from the same insurer.

Many insurers may give you a big loyalty discount if you buy two or more types of insurance from the same company. Besides, if you have more than one car insured with the same insurance provider, you may also get a reduction.


5) Get your driver license as early as possible.

The longer time you have held a driver licence, the bigger discount you may get from the car insurance company. Normally, a driver with 10-year experience pays less for his car insurance than a new driver. Most car insurance companies believe that experienced drivers are involved less often in road accidents. Therefore, even if you don’t plan to buy a car very soon, you should get your driver license as early as possible. Then in 1 or 2 years, when you buy your own car and get your own car insurance, the insurance company may consider you as an experienced driver and give you a big cut on your insurance cost.