Car insurance, along with everything else, continues to climb in price. Many people are seeking ways to lower their car insurance premiums. Here are some of the easiest ways to lower those premiums.
Comparison shop
It’s a wise idea to comparison shop for car insurance premiums at least once per year. Many people comparison shop every six months. Car insurance premiums can vary by several hundred dollars according to the company a person is insured with. Call around and get price quotes from several companies and decide from there which company to choose.
Live close to work or in a rural area
Live within ten miles of work to help keep car insurance premiums to a minimum. Consider moving to a rural area to keep premiums down. Rural customers pay less on average than do city customers. Consider living close to work or in a rural area to reduce car insurance premiums.
Car pool/public transportation
Change your cars use to pleasure and car pool to work or use public transportation. Bus fares and car pool deals are much more cost effective than driving to and from work on a daily basis.
Seek discounts
There are many great discounts available if a person takes the time to seek them out. Discounts such as a good driving record, good grades for students, no accidents for 3 to 5 years, special discounts for banking at certain places, drivers safety courses and more are offered by many companies. Check with your company for a complete listing of discounts available and see how many apply to your own car insurance premium.
Multi-policy Discount
Many policy’s will give a multi-policy discount. Combine homeowners or renters insurance to help reduce car insurance premiums.
Raise deductibles
Avoid low deductibles such as $250 or $500. Seek out higher deductibles such as $1000 or more to reduce your rates.
Low risk cars
Low risk cars are cars that car thieves tend to ignore. Everyone’s heard that police and state patrol officers tend to watch cars that are specific colors (namely red and yellow) and sports cars. Call an insurance company and find out what the premium is for various models of cars before committing yourself to purchasing a specific model. Additionally, avoid colors that tend to draw attention to the car. It’s better to be nondescript and have lower premiums than to stand out in a crowd.
Using one or all of these methods will help to lower car insurance premiums for the average consumer.