If you are looking at colleges today, you may be comparing cost as well . There are a lot of options for the student, and choosing a student loan lender can be confusing. Your first step should be to contact a financial aid officer at your school. Most of these financial aid officers work by appointment only, so don’t be frustrated if you arrive at the school only to be told you will need to schedule your appointment in advance. There is some leg work you can do prior to applying with the counselor. This will qualify you and expedite the process.
For a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA form , visit the website www.fafsa.ed.gov. This is a great place to start, federal financial aid is available on this site.as well as links for other college related topics. This site is excellent for the newcomer offering tips on how to apply for your PIN as well as advice on how to fill out the forms properly. Follow the application process, take your time and remember, this is the beginning of your future. A little effort will go a long way. This application can be saved if you find you need information that is necessary for your application but don’t have handy at the time you are filling it out.
Remember after completion to save a copy and print a copy for your files. Most financial aid and or student loans may need to be reapplied for each semester. This is something you should be aware of prior to registering for class. Once you have all your information gathered, your forms filled out and your loan is place, it is important to stay in touch with your financial advisers. Most financial aid, including loans, require a minimum grade point average.
I currently have a daughter receiving financial aid and we found the FAFSA process easy to navigate, and the information accurate and helpful. The financial aid officers at the school were also educated on the process and easy to work with. With the current economic times, more and more people are registering for classes while unemployed. This influx of students will put a greater demand on the system so give yourself plenty of time to complete the process. Good luck and happy studying !