How to Save Money

Unless you’re one of those blessed individuals who has managed to eke out a successful business from their home (or just found an employer who’s content with never seeing their employees), you’ll probably have to commute to work. And though the chances are good that your job will more than cover the costs of that commute, doing so each day of the week, month after month, will invariably take a big bite out of your savings.

Fret not. True, you could just take your car to work every day and suffer the gas charges, but doing so is rather silly. There are tons of ways to save cash on that daily commute, and though some may not prove as efficient as a car and force you to get up earlier they’ll also keep your bank account nice and robust.

1.) Your first option, though it’s not open to everyone, is to walk or bike to work. If you live in the same town or city where you work you may just be able to get there on foot. And though you can’t do this every day you can certainly pull it off seven or eight months of the year, earning yourself a nice health boost in the process.

2.) Car pool. This option gets you to work in the same amount of time and may save you gas money three or four days of the week. It’s only a viable option, however, so long as you have co-workers living nearby. If not you’ll either have to do a lot of convincing or offer to drive the car every day, in which case you may be able to convince your friends to cough up some of their dough to pay for gas. Not as effective, perhaps, but still better than nothing.

3.) Drive with your spouse. Again, not an option for everyone, but those blessed with a significant other can save money by using one car rather than two. Beware arguments over vehicle rights during the day, however.

4.) Take the bus. A relatively cheap option, though you’ll have to get up rather early to ensure you get to work on time. Buses can also prove somewhat unreliable in bad weather. All that said, buses are great for catching up on work, reading or just napping before your shift starts.

5.) Take the train. A bit more expensive than the bus but possibly your only option, and a great one at that as trains will get you to your destination more quickly. They’re sometimes limited in their range, however, so be prepared to transfer to a bus or walk.

6.) And, last, if you MUST use a car, try to make your trips as cheap as possible. Collect coupons related to car maintenance on a regular basis, buy gas when prices are dipping and purchase a vehicle that’s a) not been used much and b) won’t suck up gas too quickly. The result may not run as fast as you’d prefer, but you’ll still save in the long run.

Unfortunately the end result of saving money will be a bit of inconvenience to yourself. So long as you’re willing to invest some time in your commute, however, you’ll end your days with a fatter wallet.