How Spending can sometimes Save you Money

We live in the modern age of electronic gadgets, cheap mass production and consumerism. All of which have contributed to a massive increase in the demand for products however the cheapest option is not always the best. In many cases higher quality, more expensive products are often better value due to their better suitability for their purpose. For example a sofa costing £200 compared to one that is the same size but made of higher quality material’s and to a general higher standard costing £700 may seem a no brainer, especially for people on a budget in these austere times, but think again.

Electrical items and technology has been and continues to be the most increasing market in the 21st century leading to many manufacturers cashing in on this with new, high-tec, products and then of course their version 2,3 and 4 counterparts. It is necessary to be careful when purchasing electronic equipment specifically because of its fast pass evolution that you choose something of good quality and to a high standard so you can be assured that it will stand both the test of time as well as meeting your high expectations.  The average life expectancy of a mobile phone is between 3 to 4 years however many renew their phones every 18 months. This is a sure fire way of spending an unnecessary amount of money when an initial higher market phone would suffice for much longer, remaining a marketplace leader for longer and saving you the expense of a new, lower quality mobile phone every 18 months.

The ever increasing demand for products means many are made to the lowest standard passable to the consumer. This results in the dramatically decreasing life span of products requiring replacement far more often than its more expensive, high quality counterpart.  Going back to the example of the sofa’s; the £200 choice is certainly tempting as a low cost item/bargain is exactly what everyone is searching for however there is a massive difference between a low cost item aka cheap and a bargain aka good value. In order to strike a balance between the two there needs to be a reasonable amount of quality in the product. The initial step of spending more for an almost identical product is, at first, unattractive to most but once this thought barrier has been broken it is possible to make savvy and shroud purchases that do, in fact, save money and indeed spending can save more money in the long run.

It is, though, all about quality and value over cheap products which leads to you gaining the benefit of spending can sometimes save more money.

(There is, of course another slant on the idea that spending will save money. Many do this, perhaps without even realising at the time but buying seemingly everyday items can, in years to come become valuable and the trinkets that you have collected over the years will become valuable in their own right, making you a neat profit on the side.)