As the years have gone by counterfeiting currency has become harder and harder. This is because technology has improved, and most of the world’s bank notes have security features which are very hard to reproduce to the point of being foolproof. So much so it is now rare to find a foolproof banknote that can challenge the experts. Indeed, most counterfeited cash is fairly poor in quality and will not survive close scrutiny.
Most counterfeit money is passed on in nightclubs or such places where it is dark, or gas stations where the attendant is too busy to check the currency properly. Paper money can vary in quality and most is poor. Metal strips are hard to reproduce and are normally only printed on the bill/note. Holograms too are almost impossible to reproduce. Usually the biggest give away is the paper the counterfeiter uses. It is never of the quality or texture of a real bank note. Most counterfeiters rely on the money never been checked properly.
The most desirable counterfeited note is one of a small denomination. For example a £5.00 note will not be checked or put under ultraviolet light. Larger denomination notes are usually passed in busy or dark environments where the criminal is relying on the exchange not being challenged. If the note is detected as forged, the perpetrator can often slip away in the crowd before being arrested.
Often counterfeit paper money will carry the same serial number. This is simply for convenience and to save money during the printing process. The idea being a single note will be exchanged during a single transaction. Also, only one note will be passed in one establishment.
Coins are rarely the target of counterfeiters because the financial return is small. However, gaming arcades and casinos are still the victims of coins that have been crafted to the exact weight of the real counterpart. The thief will play counterfeit coins and pocket the real ones that are paid out when the gaming machine wins. Some counterfeiters do try to reproduce coins, but they can often be detected by the novice.
Counterfeiting is a high-risk venture due to the inability to reproduce a foolproof bank note or coin. The retailer has security aids in the form of ultraviolet scanners and pens. They can also ring a hot line to request details of a bank note’s serial number if their suspicions are raised.