There are lots of ways to make quick and easy extra money! Take a look around your house; are there any big ticket items you no longer need or use? Maybe you have some exercise equipment or hobby items that you no longer use. Someone else will be happy to buy them from you. You can sell these locally, on Craigslist, or even on eBay.
Let’s look a little more closely around the house. Do you have stacks of books that you’ve already read laying about? Chances are that there’s a used bookstore in your neighborhood that will pay cash for those unwanted books. The same holds true for older music and game disks. There are stores set up to buy these directly from you with little effort on your part.
Another way to make money is to offer your services in your community. Can you weed gardens or do minor home repairs? How about some other skill? Can you sew or paint rooms? You’d be amazed at how many people are perfectly happy to pay someone to do a task they’re unable or unwilling to do! All you need to do to find these jobs is to either post a message on Craigslist or, perhaps, get some fliers and put them up on local bulletin boards.
Are you willing to baby-sit, pet sit, or house sit? You can offer these services easily, too. Let your friends know you’re available and have them spread the word. A responsible, reliable person can always find these kinds of jobs. You just have to let folks know you’re interested.
Seasonal work is often available in either rural or urban settings. In winter, you can make money shoveling snow from walkways for homeowners and smaller retail establishments. In the summer, you can make money picking berries and other produce if you’re near a rural area. While both these jobs are physically demanding, it’s your assurance that these job will be available.
If you have a vehicle, you’ll be able to expand your money making options. You can offer your services as a delivery-driver. In addition to food delivery for pizzerias and other restaurants, you can check into courier services to deliver court documents and other time-sensitive material. Florists often need extra delivery help during major holidays like Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. Make sure you check with your insurance company before you start this kind of work; you’ll want to make sure your coverage is adequate.
Finally, there are a few jobs that pay part of your salary at least daily bar-tending, table service, and taxi driving. While these are jobs, as opposed to quick-cash options, tips are paid daily and they’re jobs that are usually easy to get. So, if you need a cash infusion, these positions could serve you well.