Environmental Forensics and where it is used

Environmental forensics is a type of investigation concerned with problems in a specific area. Wherever pollution occurs, scientists look to find the cause and solution to the problem. Its uses occur anywhere that the water, air, soil or biota have contamination, especially in homes and businesses.


Environmental forensics works with many fields of chemistry including analytical, geo, atmospheric and microbiology. The experiments lead the scientist to conclusions that they hope will make a healthier place for both people and wildlife.


Environmental forensic scientists look for support from the law and play a part in the political arena. They also work on creating laws that will reduce the pollution that they find. The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 is one law that has done much to help in this respect.

Types of contamination

Pollution affects many different areas of a home and office. Professionals work to make the water and air in a home or office safe and available. Scientists test the air for mold and fungi that cause sickness and unhealthy situations. They also test for bedbugs, fleas and other parasites. Flooding and leakage can occur in water supplies that can make it unsafe to drink. This leads to loss of fish and wildlife.  Providing an ample source of water for multiple avenues of use is an environmental concern.


These scientists use ergonomics to make an office safer with fewer worker related injuries. They test the living area for noise pollution, radiation and other harmful magnification that may occur in the office.


These scientists also audit homes and offices. They look for asbestos contamination and monitor building projects as related to health and environmental concerns, checking to assure the safety to soil, water and air. Professionals analyze the soil to assure that it does not contain chemicals that can harm wildlife or seep into streams. Agricultural inspections help to keep the waterways and soil free from pesticides that can destroy some species. The professionals look for airborne contaminants, as well, so that crops do not have harmful particles on them.

Environmental forensics is a process whereby scientists find and control the contamination of the environment due to pollutants. The testing that takes place opens the way for solutions to occur and for homes and businesses making them healthier and safer for humanity. The field also works in the legal field to provide laws and regulations that require contractors and owners to comply with the laws. Their main concern is environmental contamination and prevention.