Hi everyone concerning our privacy and our freedom of speech,I’m from Canada but none the less our issues are allot alike. I feel that the poor people are being abused to a horrific degree,there is two sets of rules and justice one for the poor and downtrodden and another for the powers that be such as the “rich people”-judges, lawyers, police,government officials,and black market bosses,corporate bodies,association’s and other officials. The inequality of the law for the different classes of people may very well be the downfall of our society’s.Let me ask you something,who is the majority of the people that fill our courts?-The poor people “ay” yeh”? How can the “Powers that govern,judge and convict people sleep and or live with themselves? Oh yeah their consciences have been seared as with a hot iron,their hearts must be hardened and calloused. If the end justifies the means then “I pity the fools” when they meet their end and master! They are serving the wicked-one! Their law books cannot save their souls! From what we see and hear happening they have very little to no mercy or even common sense when dealing with the law’s beware to him who shows no mercy shall himself be given no mercy. It seems to me those in positions of power should at least have some common sense in matters and show some mercy after all the decisions made affect us all in the short and long terms. After all God forgives and forgives and forgets! If the law continues to hold peoples records against them for seemingly the rest of their lives how can any of them ever get better again! Of course the crimes of evil such as sex against minors,killing a life are of a distinction of their own and must be dealt with severely! The thing is though that the little crimes are just that and if you keep multiplying the punishment on them they that is the punishments become a threat and a punishment on all of society! If common sense and mercy is not acknowledged surly the weight will crush the free world as we like to know it!