Answer to the Christmas Crunch 2008
In my opinion, there is only one answer to the Christmas crunch this year. There is absolutely no need for anyone to take a loan out anywhere for the holiday spending that is so rampant every year. No need at all.
First, Everyone buys groceries every week, so when you get your ingredients for Christmas dinner, just substitute a special turkey for the meat you would usually purchase. You can make a special festive meal without spending any more money than usual, just make choices of items to make your meal special and festive. You can make pies so much more economically than to buy them already made, and you’ll have the wonderful aroma in your kitchen as a bonus. You can make fudge, divinity, and peanut brittle so much cheaper than you can buy them ready made.In the process, you have the pleasure of doing the job yourself. Kids can help with these things too, and it gives them a good sense of accomplishing something important.
Secondly, you can make all kinds of decorations for your house without spending very much money. One package of colored poster paper will make miles of colorful chain ropes to hang on the tree or around the room. You can let the kids pop corn and string those on the tree too. Many decorations can be made by using materials you already have. In the process of making things instead of buying everything, it gives your family a feeling of togetherness and they will have fun being creative with simple materials.
Thirdly, and most important of all, don’t borrow money at all to buy gifts. You will be surprised at how much happiness a few home made gifts can give kids and how much fun it is to make things and keep them hidden from other members of the family until Christmas Eve. Hand made gifts are always appreciated. These days when money is tight, be creative and you will be surprised at what you can create.
In the old days, when we didn’t have credit cards, people managed somehow with what they had. Before credit cards there was not an option to charge everything we wanted. We learned to make do with what we had. Money and credit is not what brings real happiness to a family. Showing love and affection to each other is a much larger gift than all the presents in the world under the tree. Just think how much more relaxing your Christmas will be without all the hustle and bustle of shopping. You’ll have more time to enjoy each other.