If you’re looking for a monthly dividend, the internet is great place to do your research.
MoneyCentral.MSN.com is a free, powerful tool that can help you locate dividend stocks and allow you to analyze historical dividend yields as well as the financial condition of each investment vehicle.
Here are the statistics and basic information for three of the best monthly dividend investments which are traded as stock. The data was located using the research tools on MoneyCentral.msn.com.
• DNP Select Income Fund Inc., Exchange: NYSE, DNP
DNP Select Income Fund Inc. (DNP) is a closed-end investment fund with its primary securities invested in public utility companies. Public utility companies are relatively safe investments, although the trading prices will fluctuate based on market conditions.
As of December 3, 2010, DNP Select Income Fund Inc. traded at $9.96 per share. The 52 week high for this investment was $10.24 and the 52 week low was $5.00. The estimated dividend yield was 7.86% and the dividend was paid on a consistent, monthly basis.
• Pengrowth Energy Trust, Exchange: NYSE, PGH
Pengrowth Energy Trust (PGH) is an open-end investment trust with its primary investments in oil and gas drilling and exploration.
As of December 3, 2010, Pengrowth Energy Trust traded at $13.08 per share. The 52 week high for this investment was $13.22 and the 52 week low was $4.19. The estimated dividend yield was 6.34% and the dividend was paid on a consistent, monthly basis.
• Enerplus Resources Fund, Exchange: NYSE, ERF
Enerplus Resources Fund (ERF) is an energy trust which invests in crude oil and natural gas assets.
As of December 3, 2010, this stock traded at $30.27 per share The 52 week high for this investment was $30.35 and the 52 week low was $13.76. The estimated dividend yield was 7.09% and the dividend was paid on a consistent, monthly basis.
Please note, past history of dividends is not a guarantee of future dividends and there is a potential of risk in any investment vehicle. However, stocks which have paid a consistent monthly dividend are usually a favorable asset. Also, funds which are invested in goods or services that are needed in all economic conditions – such as utilities, oil and gas – are somewhat insulated.
A strategy for acquiring these stocks is to wait for overall market lows to purchase. Reviewing the 52 week highs and lows listed above demonstrates that, even though these investments continued to deliver a monthly dividend, their prices fell with the rest of the market and rose with the rest of the market.
So if you’re looking for a monthly dividend, you may want to consider DNP Select Income Fund Inc., Pengrowth Energy Trust or Enerplus Resources Fund to add to your portfolio.